Working at Height with Scaffolding

Working at Height with Scaffolding

Work at height is the biggest single cause of fatalities and serious injury in the construction industry, particularly on smaller projects. The purpose of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 is to prevent death or serious injury from a fall at height.

Work at height means doing work where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury.

Employees have general legal duties to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be impacted by their actions. They should also cooperate with their employers to fulfil their health and safety duties. 

What does this mean for roofing contractors?

However large or small your roof refurbishment works, as a roofing contractor your are required by law to conduct a work from height risk assessment.  Plans must be made to minimise the risk so roof refurbishment works can be carried out safely. 

A method statement is a solution to record the hazards involved with specific work at height tasks, as well as communicating the risks and precautions required to those involved in the work – from contractors to property owners. 

Read HSE guidance on working at height.

Download NFRC’s summary document on Working at Height

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