Contractor Migration Hub

Self-certify work

Win new customers

Increasing productivity

Save money

Prove competency

Existing Registered Contractor Migration

Welcome to the new NFRC Competent Person Scheme (CPS) Contractor Hub.

Here you will find everything you need to know about the newly relaunched NFRC CPS (previously known as CompetentRoofer) and what you need to do to access the new Contractor’s Portal.

We hope you will find all the information you need here. If you still have any questions, please let us know by emailing

On 1st December 2020, CompetentRoofer was relaunched as the NFRC Competent Person Scheme (CPS). As well as a completely new name and refreshed brand, we have made several improvements to the scheme.

Previously, the system for registering works was managed by a third-party provider, but this has now been brought in-house, through our new Contractor Portal (please see a link to this Portal below). This will mean a quicker, smarter and better-quality system for you as a contractor.

One of the other major changes we are making as part of the relaunch is giving contractors a wider choice over which insurance provider, they use for their IBGs.

This will also mean that the way we invoice will now change:

  • You will now receive invoices from NFRC CPS for your annual subscription fee, Building Regulation Compliance Certificates (BRCCs) and any additional fees.
  • You will be invoiced separately directly by your chosen insurance provider for your deposit and IBG policies. So you may see some changes in how much you pay, depending on which IBG provider you choose.

By making these changes, we are not only providing a better service for you and your clients but are futureproofing the scheme for future expansion in new areas to meet the growing demand for third-party accreditation related to government investment and new regulation.

NOTE: Your old CompetentRoofer login/password from the previous portal is no longer valid for the new portal

Have you chosen your insurance provider yet?

Following the launch of NFRC CPS, and the new Contractor Portal, you will need to choose which insurance provider you would like to provide deposit and Insurance Backed Guarantee (IBG) policies for your clients; and then enter into a contract with this provider. If you have not done this already you need to do this as soon as possible.

Even if you wish to stay with your previous provider you will still need to re-join their scheme—you will not be automatically enrolled.

Please find a list of the different insurance providers approved for use with NFRC CPS below (please click on each provider to find out more information about their IBG product).

  1. GGFi Ltd t/a Installsure
  2. IWA
  3. QANW
  4. Qualitymark Protection

Once you have chosen a provider and your application has been successful, please let us know your insurance reference number.

You MUST have an insurance provider in place BEFORE adding or completing works through the new portal

As part of the new NFRC CPS we now have new Contractor Portal.

Login details

You will be receiving the login information for the new portal via email in the first week of December. This will include your username and a one-time password for initial access. Once you have logged onto the new system you will need to create your own password. As an admin user, you will also be able to create separate user logins for each member of your team that requires access to the portal. If you have not received your login details please email our support desk to request this. NOTE: Your old login/password from the previous portal is no longer valid for the new portal

Works completed prior to 30th November 2020

The portal will initially only be for available completing works that have completed on or after 1st December 2020, and for adding new works.  Any works completed on or before 30th November 2020 initially may not be visible on this system. Due to the sheer amount of data that will need to be transitioned from the old system to the new portal, all of your current works may not be immediately available. However, over the coming weeks all of your existing open works will become visible on the portal. If you have not received your login details yet, and you have new works that you need to add to the portal now, please contact us immediately. For any concerns regarding your login details or works on the portal please contact our support desk.

Changes to the BRCC process

Rather than BRCCs being sent to property owners in the post, they will now receive them through email and you will receive an alert to let you know the BRCC has been sent. LABC will receive copies of all the BRCCs that have been sent over the previous week.

How can a duplicate copy of BRCC be obtained?

A duplicate BRCC can be requested via the NFRC CPS contact page (a small fee applies).

What additional communications will I now receive through the new portal?

You will receive automatic email notifications from the portal when:
  • You register your login.
  • New work is registered.
  • Existing work is completed.
  • A BRCC has been issued to the property owner.
  • Cancelled works.

What additional communications will property owners now receive from the new portal?

Property owners will receive automatic email notifications from the portal when:
  • Their project is registered as a works in the system by the contractor.
  • When the work is completed.
  • A copy of the BRCC is sent to them.
  • You cancel their works.
  • You mark the works as outside the scope of the CPS scheme.

Will I receive new van decals?

Yes. We will be sending these to contractors in the post shortly. There are versions available for both light-coloured and dark-coloured vans. You can request additional decals (which may incur a small charge).

What internet browsers is the new portal compatible with?

  • Google Chrome v55 or higher
  • Firefox v52 or higher
  • Internet Explorer Version 11 or higher (but not fully supported)
  • Safari v6 or higher
  • Microsoft Edge v26 or higher.

How can we promote our company on your new website?

Registered contractors will automatically appear in the 'Find a Contractor' facility on the website; as long as your account is currently valid (both financially and audits). To enhance you listing, please send us your company logo in EPS format* and a short company biography (maximum 500 characters) explaining why a customer should select you to repair or refurbish their roof.
*Check with the designer of your logo if you do not have an EPS version. We can also accept PNG but JPG formats are not suitable.